Monday, September 26, 2011

Monday Mix Up

Today has been a busy whirlwind and I'm not feeling 100% on top of my game.  I apologize if this post is a bit Hodge-podged together.  Since it's been 'one of those days', I wanted to post a few pictures of things that not only make me happy, but...things that will be in MY home in the near future :) Look for future "DIY" posts!

Herb garden label
 I am going to plant some more herbs in my kitchen windowsill for the winter months...I have some growing in the garden right now, but once we get our first freeze those puppies will sadly kick the bucket.  I love having fresh herbs to cook, they will be cutely labeled with corks!

I am a huge fan of all things strawberries and or cheesecake.  Put them together and....WHAM, I'm bewitched mind, body, and soul...thank you very much.  I will be making these as soon as I get my little paws on strawberries.

 I have a few months to work on this....but doesn't it look dreamy?  I too have a mirror propped up on the mantel...which makes me want to make that wreath, somehow transpose piano music onto candles, acquire garland and silver candle sticks. I can't wait!!! I love Christmas decor. 

I hope everyone made it through their Monday unscathed, I just barely squeaked today out.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Lemon Basil Pasta

Friday has arrived, oh happy day! Last night I was a bit ambitious and made a cream based pasta sauce from scratch.  And, to my surprise, it tasted great and I didn't burn or catch anything on fire! I don't normally catch things on fire, but any sauce that begins with, melt the butter down...slowly whisk in the cream...makes me nervous.  I have no idea why, but my mental picture isn't pretty so I feel accomplished when things turn out as they should.

The Pioneer Woman's Version!

 I used the Pioneer Woman's recipe. Her food is always fabulous, so I definitely trusted it!  If you're a lemon flavor fan, use all the lemons it calls for.  If you're only half a fan like me, use ONE lemon. Trust me, I used only two and it was almost too much for me.

*My personal changes: I added a 'pour' of white wine to ease the flavor of lemon, and added some garlic. Don't forget, less lemon if you don't want the 'sour' flare to your cheesy pasta.  But, I will definitely add garlic after the butter melts down, and toss in even more basil.
My version!
Above is how our dinner turned out! Brent loved it, so I can call it a win! I added a spinach side salad with shaved almonds and mini pear tomatoes with a bit of balsamic vinaigrette. 

Happy Friday everyone! Any plans for the weekend?  Mine are fairly's fall time, and a weekend, I'll be watching Duck Football :-) 

Monday, September 19, 2011

Weekend Festivities

What happened to relaxing weekends? I miss them.  I'm not saying it was a bad weekend, just BUSY, and lots of fun (Saturday)! Saturday we went to the Duck game and Sunday I had two family birthday parties to attend.
I made sure to crop out the beverages...I mean, it was only kool aid, but I didn't want there to be any confusion....

Apparently I was enamored with the "Duck Truck".  When we got home I checked my phone,  there were close to 12 pictures alone of this beauty. Appreciate this picture, 12th times a charm
Last but not least...we made sure to make our way back to campus when the game was over.  Our time back on campus contained, but was not limited to lunch at Barry's, pork fried rice at Maple Garden (Maple Kitty according to Andy), Duck store shopping, running through SAE...and making the boys pose with Leo and Cleo.  Oh college how I miss you!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Fall is around the corner....

It's that time of year again...when the leaves turn color and bedazzle sidewalks, the air is crisp and cool, hot cider and pumpkin lattes are appropriate any time of day, and cozy movie nights by the fire! You know what else goes quite nice with all said items above? A great pair of boots! (and a cozy scarf). Get out your sweaters, boots, and scarves ready!
I may ask for a red purse for my upcoming FALL birthday!

Monday, September 12, 2011

Duck Weekend

This weekend was great! I made so yummy dinners (super easy too) and we soaked in the heat and a win at the Duck game!

Friday nights' feast.
The Ducks season opener!!! Ooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Kick off!
Despite the fact that it was 103 degrees in the stadium, we had a fabulous time cheering on our Ducks to a 69-23 win over the Nevada Wolves.
Yell-O! For the win!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Wish I Was Here Wednesday...

Cheers to a 90+ degree day! YAY! I didn't think Oregon would ever have a week of straight 90's this summer, thank you mother nature. On another happy note, there are two more days until the weekend.  Which will consist of fabulous sunshine, Duck football, and a possible road trip adventure. We shall see! 

In typical Wednesday fashion, take a deep breath, close your eyes, and let yourself get lost in one of your favorite memories, or destinations. Don't you wish you were there? Here are a few places my mind likes to wander off to, and not just on Wednesdays :)

Friday, September 2, 2011

Happy Friday and Holiday weekend!

It's here, a 3 day weekend! Not only is it a holiday weekend, it's the FIRST DUCK GAME of the season!!! I can't sit still I'm so excited, work about did me in today. I was worse than a 5 year old on Christmas Eve. Factor in the grande mocha I had about YIKES! 

Tonight is Hawaiian pulled pork prep, and a high school football game! Yes, after TOO many years to count, Brent and I are going back to our Alma Mater (yes, we're high school sweethearts) to watch our high school football team kick off their season. GO OC PIONEERS! I may or may not have debated on wearing my lettermen's jacket, Brent said not a good idea....ok fine kill joy. HA! I hope everyone had a great Friday. In mean time, here are some of my Friday favorites, or just favorites in general. :)

My all time favorite flower. Doesn't the bright yellow look happy?! 
The best place on earth....Maui.

Where great teams come to die. Autzen. 

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Great Read!

I'm sure everyone out there has heard of "The Help", a great novel by Kathryn Stockett.  I first heard about it from my mom, which led to my sister, then a few, needless to say I had to get my hands on it and see what all the fuss was about.  I saw Sherah last Friday, and luckily she owns the book and lent it to me, yay! I must say, the fuss isn't all for nothing.  This a great great read.  I can't put it down.  It sucks you in with humor, truth, and prejudice I still can't quite wrap my head around. It's heavy, don't get me wrong.  But, that's part of why I love it so much.  Prejudice, slavery, and mistreatment of other humans is NOT to be taken lightly, nor is it a "light" and simple issue.  I encourage everyone to read this.  I'm only only page 150 and I already have a strong attachment to the story and what it stands for. P.S. Only a few days more, and DUCK FOOTBALL is back!!! Happy Thursday!