Friday, May 27, 2011

Memorial Day Weekend

My life is about to go into overdrive. Ok...I may be exaggerating, but it will be busy!  Jordan and Colin are flying into Portland this Saturday from Florida and staying with Brent and I.  This translates = tonight and Saturday morning will be filled with intensive cleaning/grocery shopping to prepare for our guests.  I'm looking forward to their arrival so I can sit back and relax, cocktail in hand with Jordan (of course she'll need one too after her arduous journey to the west coast)!!! Thankfully I have Monday and Thursday, Friday off next week. The wedding is quickly approaching, JUNE 4th!!! 

On another note, what are you grateful for this week?
I am deeply grateful that I live in a place that does not receive EXTREME weather. The rain may be tough to deal with at times, but overall I believe we're pretty lucky here in the northwest. 

I appreciate Brent much more than I tell him (I need to work on that). He does so many things for me daily that I don't realize until he's on a fire shift and not home for the evening. The man is amazing and keeps me grounded! 

This may sound silly, but I'm extremely grateful for Nordstrom. Once again their half yearly sale treated me VERY well this year :)

I love covered/heated driving ranges.  Brent and I have been able to get out, even in the drizzle and go to the driving range! Bring it on Oregon!!!

Last but definitely not least.  I am grateful for music. If you know me well, you know that I LOVE music, and almost every  genre, (minus most country...only a few songs make the cut). I love to listen to it to relax, to pump me up at the gym, to run, while I'm cooking/baking...If my life were a movie I would ALWAYS have music going in the background.     

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

And the winner is....

Mission: find shoes for Tessie's wedding is complete! I realllllyyy love them too, I'm a sucker for a hot pair of high heels. I landed on these beauties today at my good old faithful Nordstrom...and I ended up taking down a few cardigans, shirts, and jewelry with me as well. When in Rome, right?

I should also add, by suggestion of Brent (while he is sitting here reading over my shoulder)...that we
will soon be owners of a new Kenmore
Liquid Propane Gas Grill that has 4 burners
and a bundle of other fabulous attributes. 
We're slowly accumulating great household
items, oh the joys of adulthood! :)

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Iced Mocha

I'm happy to report it's sunny and 71 today. Which, in turn, means it's been incredibly difficult to focus at work!  An Iced mocha was calling my name, and I crumbled. At least I will be well caffeinated for my work out this evening!  You know what else is awesome?  Coming home from work, making some pop corn and reading all afternoon until your man decides to make you dinner.  Yep, that's kitchen duty for me!  My only assignment was to be in charge of the evening movie/entertainment.  I came up with Little Fockers, mangoes, and scratch its for the evening while Brent whipped up protein style burgers with mushrooms/bacon piled on top of the meat wrapped up nicely in large pieces of lettuce. So. freaking. delicious. I looked about 5 while eating it with kat-sup dripping down my chin/fingers.  To top it off, margaritas were on the menu. (high five Brent!)

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

New Kicks

   I'm on a mission.This week/weekend I am on the hunt for a hot pair of nude pumps. Miss Tessie Lynn's wedding is quickly approaching and the bride's maids are wearing nude pumps with our pale pink dresses. There are only about a million to choose it will be tough to choose! I'm leaning towards peep toe, but who knows what I will end up with once I have all those beauties on my tootsies! The possibilities are endless!!! It also doesn't help that I may or may not have a slight shoe addiction. Just look at them, aren't they beautiful?!?!

Monday, May 9, 2011

A Few of my Favorite Things....

Happy Monday All! 
1. freshly painted finger nails. 
2. coffee
3. running shoes
4. new books
5. playing my piano
7. back massages
8. listening to lounge music
9. frozen yogurt
10. sushi
11. lifting weights

A song I can't get enough of right now.... Tycho: Past is Prologue

Thursday, May 5, 2011


At work we're having a Cinco de Mayo celebration! I'm very excited about it, and I'm contributing sour cream and avocados. I believe they are essential pieces to any Mexican food dish! I could use a margarita, but I don't think I would be all that productive if I had one in the middle of the day....maybe when I get home?! 

Anyway....update. I have seriously slacked on blogging.  I have things to blog about, but then, I just don't do it. Shame on me. I apologize.        I have been trying new recipes lately. My co-worker and friend Kelly found an amazing recipe, Huevos Rancheros, OH MY GOD, it was so DELICIOUS. Yes, the description deserves all caps. Two things I love, combined.  Mexican food, and eggs! But in all serious-ness, it was phenom. If you want the recipe let me know, I will gladly e-mail it to you! The best part, it's LOW calories, so...I love it EVEN more and don't feel bad about eating a lot of them!

Random bit...I love living in a house.  BUT, taking care of a yard.....I'm not sure I love that too.....yeah, I don't love it.  On Sunday Brent and I spent hours in the yard.  He mowed the lawn, front and back while I pulled weeds, picked up leaves and sticks.  THEN, we both decided our back yard needed to be edged.  BAD IDEA. Don't get me wrong, it looks beautiful now, but it was back breaking work.  I felt 30 years older the next two days after. Long story short, I want to invest in a landscaping crew.  Brent says it's not worth, I on the other hand 100% believe the opposite way.  I feel it would be worth the money so my lower back and hamstrings don't give out when I'm 35.
Note: this picture is only HALF of our backyard...there's a front too.