Monday Mix Up
Today has been a busy whirlwind and I'm not feeling 100% on top of my game. I apologize if this post is a bit Hodge-podged together. Since it's been 'one of those days', I wanted to post a few pictures of things that not only make me happy, but...things that will be in MY home in the near future :) Look for future "DIY" posts!
Herb garden label |
I am going to plant some more herbs in my kitchen windowsill for the winter months...I have some growing in the garden right now, but once we get our first freeze those puppies will sadly kick the bucket. I love having fresh herbs to cook, they will be cutely labeled with corks!
Heaven. |
I am a huge fan of all things strawberries and or cheesecake. Put them together and....WHAM, I'm bewitched mind, body, and soul...thank you very much. I will be making these as soon as I get my little paws on strawberries.
I have a few months to work on this....but doesn't it look dreamy? I too have a mirror propped up on the mantel...which makes me want to make that wreath, somehow transpose piano music onto candles, acquire garland and silver candle sticks. I can't wait!!! I love Christmas decor.
I hope everyone made it through their Monday unscathed, I just barely squeaked today out.
I love that mantel! and cute idea with the corks!