Friday, February 3, 2012

Friday Favorites

Happy Friday everyone! Now this (see below) is how you start a Friday off right at work! Cinnamon twist glazed doughnut and a mocha, booya! I felt I deserved a sweet treat after my butt kicking work out last night. 
Here are a few of my Friday favorites, in no particular order. Hope everyone is enjoying their day, and if you live in the Portland Metro area you are soaking in the sunshine!!!

1. The books Brent ordered from Amazon showed up early!!! Hello "Inheritance", I can finally indulge. Of course I have him order me the MOST nerdy thing out there while he's picking out books like, "Tipping Point", "Freakanomics", you know...riveting page turners.

2. Sail boat paintings. I can't get enough of them. They are so peaceful and beautiful, yet adventuresome.  I always think, you could float off anywhere you like in a boat like that....I can't wait to sail someday.  In the mean time, I am going to attempt a sail boat painting of my very own! I'll let you know how that gem turns out. 

3. Downton Abbey.  It's a PBS masterpiece that is on Netflix right now.  Not only is this well written and proper, but extremely interesting and entertaining! I'm a huge fan of historical movies, books, this show is right up my alley.  Brent is a good sport and watches it with me.  But, I must say he is learning a lot about the English aristocracy/royalty of the 20th century. P.S. Maggie Smith (Professor McGonagall from HP) plays a fantastic cantankerous beezie. She's sassy and grouchy, but proper while doing it. 

4. Mangoes. I think I've had a mango each day this week for lunch. I can't get enough of them.  Their flavor takes me back to the warm summer sunshine, the smell of they have quite a bit of potassium and other healthy vitamins that are good for our bodies!

5. Hanging ab crunches. When I say "favorites" this falls into the Love/Hate favorites.  I hate how bad they hurt while doing them, but I Love the results. I've been doing 4 sets of 25-30 two or three times and week and I can definitely tell the difference.  I'm working up to 4 sets of 50. I'm at least 2 weeks out from that! Yikes. If you're wanting a change up in your ab routine this is a full proof exercise, trust burns...but works!

Thursday, February 2, 2012


As of late I have become hooked on the show, 'The Vampire Diaries'.  My addiction began with a few episodes here and there online...and then one day it hooked me.  Last weekend on Sunday Brent and I marathon-ed the show and caught up online all the way up until the current season that's on CW. The saddest part about this addiction of mine is that we do not have cable.  SO...even though there is a new episode airing tonight, I have to wait until NEXT WEEK for it to be online. The things I must endure....haha. Anyone else really like this show?

Wednesday, February 1, 2012


Last night Brent and I watched Drive starring Ryan Gosling and Carey Mulligan.  We were both expecting it to be really upbeat and more of a thriller.  Alas, it was not. I'm not exactly sure how to describe the tone of this movie. Ryan plays a very quiet, yet passionate character. Carey Mulligan is his "love interest" yet, they hardly speak more than 10 words to each other! There are plenty of silent moments that I felt were awkward. The music is 80's, or modern day hipster...or a mixture of both. It's definitely odd.  The movie was also super bloody and gory.  Let's just say it's definitely NOT what I expected with the slow simple beginning. Maybe I missed the point of the movie, or maybe it was just a really odd and boring film.  If you see it, let me know what you think!