Monday, March 21, 2011
Blackberry Goodness
Friday, March 18, 2011
Weekly Gratitude
I was inspired by You Say it Best to do this little exercise. Throughout my 24 years here on earth I have learned it's extremely important to tell others around you, and those who are important to you how much you appreciate them, and value the things they do. A little gratitude goes much father than we think! Plus, I have a feeling it will open my eyes to even more things I take for granted, that I should not, life is too short to let the positives go unrecognized!
-Running...I may loathe it some days when I'm feeling sluggish or grumpy, but after a solid run I always feel refreshed, revitalized, and have a clear head. I haven't realized it until now, but I use it as my meditation time. I'm alone with my thoughts, I can focus on me, and decompress.
-Audio books...most of my friends now that I am a "reader". I love a great epic novel full of adventure, mystery, magic...etc. Not until recent, I have always physically read my books. But, Brent suggested a few books to me that he thought I may enjoy. One of them being, "Outliers". He had it on his itunes (since he only listens to books) and had me sync it up the last time I updated my phone. I found listening to a book was fantastic. I could listen to and from work (and at lunch), within 5 days I was done! It was calming and was able to "read" two books at once.
-Hawaii Five-O...this show makes me so happy. Not because it's the best produced of all time, or most mysterious, or extremely be honest, it's because it takes me back to Hawaii in an instant. I first think, WHY did my parents EVER move back to the mainland. Secondly, I close my eyes and there I am...laying on Kamaole 3 with Brent, our home away from home.
-my sister...she is amazing. There are no other words for her. She just graduated with her second degree...BSN in Nursing. Not only is she brilliant, she's a fabulous sister. We have 13 years between us, but I never felt too young, juvenile or out of place around her. She has always always made me feel special, and now that I'm older we connect on many more levels. This winter she and I, along with her husband were able to coach a basketball team and it was a blast. We both played for the same coach, same school etc...but never together. It was fun and exciting to collaborate our personal strengths and put them into a team.
-personal challenge: In honor of weekly, text, or send a card to a friend/family member and let know how much you appreciate them! A little of that can go a long way. You never know who needs to feel appreciated or just needs a friendly hug or smile.
Thursday, March 17, 2011
I love food.
Loaf of ciabatta bread (I bought mine at Trader Joe's), basil leaves, avocado, mozzarella, tomato, grilled chicken breast, pesto, mayo, salt, and pepper.
Mix two tablespoons of basil based pesto with one tablespoon of mayo. I added a bit of salt and pepper, mainly more pepper...I like things with a kick! While I was making the mixture I had the chicken preparing...I seasoned with chicken with onion powder, garlic powder, salt, and pepper. Also, make sure your ciabatta bread, tomato, mozzarella, and avocado are sliced. Then spread your pesto mixture on both sides of the bread and layer up the sandwich! It was a menagerie of fabulous flavors, messy!, but delicious!!!
Happy St. Patrick's Day!!! I hope you wore green, I sure did!!! This Irish girl couldn't resist :-)
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
March Madness and Vino!
Yesterday was delightful. Minus the arctic conditions in my office, and the monsoon situation outside! When I ran errands at lunch I thought I might blow away, thank GOODNESS everything calmed down and there were no tornadoes in West Linn.
After work I was able to meet up with Courtney for HH. We had a delicious spread at Bugatti's and a sinful dessert. Yummmm. I think I've hit my chocolate quota for the week!

MARCH- The madness is officially here...tomorrow (as well as St. Patrick's day)!!! I filled out my bracket this morning; I'm ready to go. Not that I'll be watching many of the games...since Brent and I have opted out of cable. I've honestly only been following UofO (duh) and Vanderbilt. Now that UofO will not be in the tourney (big sad face), I want Vandy to win it! For the sole reason that Brad Tinsley plays on the team and I love him dearly, like a brother. His sister is one of my bestest of friends, we're more like sisters, since we've been friends since "the womb", and Brad is like a little brother. GO FUZZ!
Tuesday, March 15, 2011

One more little tid bit. A sad thing happened to me last night. I was at Macy's checking out to leave and the teller (young teenage girl) looks at me and smiles, then says: "Aren't you excited for Spring Break?! Do you have any plans?!" I wasn't sure how to read this comment. One of two things took place...both of which could be negative or positive....1. I look like I'm still in high school. (could be good, or could be bad?) 2. High school girls now look older than they should ie: 24ish? (most likely not good---at least not for them). Or....3. The girl asking the question was just an idiot (not good for her). I'm not sure which scenario I want it to be, I'm going to go with, I look youthful and high school girls wear a lot of make up these days....and give the
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Cake Pops!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Words and..... Police Chases?

I've also been playing Words with Friends a lot lately...maybe I just like learning new words, or I'm distracted all the time at work, or....I have a lot of free time on my hands?! Ummmm I'm not sure which, maybe a little of all three? I'm going to go ahead and say I like a challenge and like learning new words. That's my story and I'm sticking to it! Ha :) In between the Words with Friends moves I've been playing tonight I've been listening to the live police/fire radio feed Brent has playing since we heard about 100 (maybe 4) police cars ZOOM past our house in pursuit of possible felon dumbshit running from the law. Now the police are gaining on him, wait....he threw something out his window....weapon?, now they're seizing his car and puncturing the tires with a road block, the car is on fire, drug dogs were let loose to sniff the's a shit show out there, this guy is in deep. He was being pursued from Hwy 43 all the way to the Carmen Dr. exit on 1-5!!! Idiot. In between that loony parade, I've been making hard boiled eggs. Geez, I lead a SUPER exciting life, I know you're jealous. Duh, I would be if I were you. Who doesn't want to play words with friends, listen to a police chase, and boil eggs on a Tuesday night? That's right, everyone wants to do that.
UPDATE: Click on this link to the story of the dumb dumb I was rambling about.
UPDATE: Click on this link to the story of the dumb dumb I was rambling about.
Monday, March 7, 2011
Hall Pass

On Saturday evening all of us got together and saw Hall Pass. OMG, it was hilarious...really awkward, and there were quite a few, Noooooooooo don't show that moments; ESPECIALLY the girl sneezing moment, BARF. But altogether, very funny! I'm also looking forward to the Adjustment Bureau...maybe this coming Friday we can check that one out?!
Friday, March 4, 2011

Thursday, March 3, 2011
Thirsty Thursday?
I know, wishful thinking. Now that I'm a real person there isn't Dollar Beers on Wednesdays, or Thirsty Thursday doesn't exist, nor do those two events pop up in my vocabulary for any real purpose other than to reminisce about fabulous college memories......sigh. "You are at TAAAYYYYLLLOOORRRSSSSS with DJ Simi!" Ok ok I'm back!
Instead of dancing the night away, this eventful Thursday evening I'm looking forward to making dinner for Brent and I, and getting my hair cut, woo hoo! Since today has been SO exciting, I have also been dinking around thinking about things that I really enjoy. Here are just a few...
1. Red wine
2. Pink Lady apples
3. Brent's fake monster noises he makes before bed (we kid there is a monster under the house).
4. Painted finger nails.
5. Fresh coffee
What do you really enjoy? I believe it's the little things in life, there's always a reason to smile.
Instead of dancing the night away, this eventful Thursday evening I'm looking forward to making dinner for Brent and I, and getting my hair cut, woo hoo! Since today has been SO exciting, I have also been dinking around thinking about things that I really enjoy. Here are just a few...
1. Red wine
2. Pink Lady apples
3. Brent's fake monster noises he makes before bed (we kid there is a monster under the house).
4. Painted finger nails.
5. Fresh coffee
What do you really enjoy? I believe it's the little things in life, there's always a reason to smile.
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